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Animal Feed Industry

In the continuous process of animal feed production, maintaining efficiency and reliability are critical to ensure a steady supply of high-quality feed.

Animal feed mills convert raw ingredients into nutrient-rich pellets of different sizes through a series of intricate operations. Sizes vary based on the livestock requirement, example: poultry, fish, or cattle feed. During the pelletizing process, finely pulverized ingredients are transformed into large pellets by heat, moisture and mechanical pressure, with temperatures reaching up to 80 to 130°C.  Bearings operating in this environment need to be lubricated with special greases, that possess superior thermal stability, resist oxidation and offer strong protection against corrosion and wear. 

The animal pellet feed mill operates under stringent regulations to safeguard food safety and integrity. Compliance to use food grade lubricant is essential to avoid potential contamination and rejection of product batches.  

The use of specialized food-grade lubricants, specifically developed to withstand these demanding conditions are essential for ensuring smooth operations and maintaining the highest standards of feed quality. 

Bechem’s high-performance food-grade lubricant range is are designed to meet the demanding conditions of feed mills.  

NSF certified range of greases by BECHEM ensures process compliance, while extending bearing life, reduce downtimes and thereby, contributing to an efficient production process.  

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