Wire Rope Greases

BECHEM’s range of wire rope greases posses excellent corrosion protection properties and provide long term lubrication for wire ropes that are subjected to high loads and stress.

Heavy duty wire ropes of cranes operate mostly in dusty and humid environments. The ropes are subjected to intense pressure during operation with the strands experiencing severe internal friction. Wire ropes on cranes operating in ports and marine applications are exposed to saline water and corrosive environments as well. Health of the wire rope is a critical safety consideration. Speciality lubricants that possess excellent creeping-in properties with superior anti corrosive characteristics is the need.

BECHEM’s range of wire rope greases posses excellent corrosion protection properties and provide long term lubrication for wire ropes that are subjected to high loads and stress. These adhesive greases resist water washout and have excellent creeping-in properties ensuring effective lubrication to every strand of the wire rope.

BECHEM’s Range of Wire Rope Greases

BECHEM Premium 1000 WR

Specially designed water resistant grease for long life lubrication of wire ropes that are exposed to extreme friction conditions. BECHEM Premium 1000 WR wire rope grease has excellent corrosion protection properties. Equipped with EP additives and solid lubricants, Premium 1000 WR provides effective lubrication to wire ropes subjected to high loads under corrosive atmosphere.

Applications: BECHEM Premium 1000 WR is recommended for lubrication of wire ropes of cranes in ports, steel and process industry. Also suitable for open gears, winches, screws, hinges, cylinder guides that are exposed to water and corrosive environment.

Product Thickener Base Oil Temp Range °C
BECHEM Premium 1000 WR Lithium Mineral oil -30 to +120
BECHEM High Lub FF 110

Solvent based adhesive lubricant with excellent corrosion protection properties for lubrication of twisted ropes. On application, the solvent in BECHEM High Lub FF 110 evaporates leaving behind an elastic layer that is splash proof and provides excellent corrosion protection, specially under out door conditions. The load carrying properties provide wear protection even in mixed friction conditions and creep rates.

Applications: Recommended for wire ropes that experience pulsating bending stresses. BECHEM High Lub FF 110 repels water and is resistant to hot water, aqueous alkaline and acid solvents.

Product Temp Range °C
BECHEM High Lub FF 110 -20 to +80
BECHEM High-Lub SW 2

Multipurpose anti-corrosive grease for sliding parts, ropes which are subjected to aggressive environmental conditions such as salt-water atmosphere. Equipped with EP additives, BECHEM High-Lub SW 2 protects contacting surfaces against high loads and wear.

Applications: Recommended for winches, screws, hinges, open gears, cylinder guides, threaded spindles and other machine parts of off-shore machinery, steel ropes, ship yards, underwater equipment, ship cranes, lifts, yachts, contact rails or distributors, clamping devices for containers or trailers. Also suitable for machines and equipment in wet sections in textile and paper industry. Other applications and areas where BECHEM High-Lub SW 2 is recommended include journal and roller bearings, machine parts of water pumps, water turbines, flood gates, escalators, car wash systems etc.

Product Thickener Base Oil Temp Range °C
BECHEM High Lub SW 2 Special Calcium soap Mineral oil -25 to +80

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