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category: High Load Greases

Berulit SM Super

High performance journal bearing grease developed with high base oil viscosity, metal complex thickener and solid lubricants for high load applications. High base oil viscosity enables Berulit SM Super to form a thick, high pressure lubricant film between the shaft and sleeve, minimising metal to metal contact. Presence of solid lubricants and additives. makes it ideal for emergency running and loading conditions of the bearing. Berulit SM Super is pumpable grease and offers excellent corrosion protection even in presence of water. Presence of special additive package ensures perfect lubrication in harsh environments with low consumption rate while ensuring extended bearing life.

ProductBerulit SM Super
ThickenerSpecial metal complex
Base OilMineral Oil
Temp Range °C +5 to +200

Recommended for critical journal bearings in the crushing/pressing mills of sugar processing industries